Ambiguous Genitalia

Condition of the Genitals


Ambiguous genitalia refers to a condition in which an infant’s genitals do not have the typical appearance of either a boy or a girl. Ambiguous genitalia isn’t classified as a disease but it is known to be a disorder of sex development. An infant with ambiguous genitalia has external sex organs not matching with the internal sex organs or genetic sex.


Ambiguous genitalia can be identified before birth. Genetically female babies may have the following sign and symptoms:

Clitoris Resembling Penis

Closed Labia

Abnormally Small Penis

Absence of Testicles (One or Both)


Ambiguous genitalia can occur during pregnancy and interrupt the fetus’s developing sex organs. It is usually caused by:


Mostly children with ambiguous genitalia are diagnosed at birth through a physical examination of outer sex organs. However, a physician may advise to get the following tests done:



Blood Tests


When to See a Doctor

Make an appointment right away if any worrisome symptoms appear.


It is important to first identify the child’s gender before beginning the treatment. Ambiguous genitalia is usually treated by performing reconstructive surgery. This involves removing or creating appropriate sex organs. In most cases, hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is also a significant part of the treatment plan. 


Surgeons at Curadors have successfully performed several such procedures over a period of 15 years. Our partnered facility, Maroof International Hospital has state-of-the-art operation theaters equipped with the world’s most advanced equipment to provide the best quality treatment to our patients. 

Risks, Complications & Preventions

Children born with ambiguous genitalia may experience reduced or absent fertility. They will require ongoing medical monitoring as they are also more susceptible to certain types of cancer. Hormone medications may help in correcting the hormonal imbalance which may be administered at the time of puberty.

Book an Appointment


Dr. Faisal Murad

Chief of Surgery & Laparoscopic Surgery

M.B.B.S., MCPS, FCPS (Surgery), Fellowship Telemedicine

Dr. Kashif Khan

Cancer Surgery

M.B.B.S., MCPS, FCPS (Surgery)

Dr. Mustafa Javed

Orthopedic Surgery

BSc, MBBS, MRCS (Edinburgh, UK), FRCS, Trauma & Orthopedics (Edinburgh, UK), CCT (Yorkshire, UK)

Dr. Bashir Ur Rehman

Pediatric Surgery

M.B.B.S., MCPS, FCPS (Surgery)

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